星期二, 一月 23, 2007

Uroboros 咬尾蛇

Millennium 的开篇有一个很特殊的图案 一个蛇一样的生物咬住了自己的尾巴 环状


“Uroboros(或Ouroboros) ,神话中自咬尾巴的蛇。 在荣格派心理学中,Uroboros象征着对于个人自己充足的循环这样的个性化,也象征着自我陶醉。另外一说诺智教派认为人类历史没有起点也没有终点。 蛇神代表智者,象征着中人生观的是一“咬尾蛇”“(uroboros)”的符号。北欧神话中洛基的孩子,是一条头尾相衔雌雄同体盘绕着整个世界的 巨蛇,中译名乌洛波洛斯。 就某种意义而言,ouroboros 意味一种「恶性循环」。当代思想已不朝某预设的真理或目标前进,所以说不定这尾蛇或龙可为某种哲学的象徵。 简单讲,即使是「恶性循环」也可以极具原创性与思想强度,也可以让我们见识到思想如何地「恶性」!而哲学研 究所可以如何地SIM。 ”

“emblematic serpent of ancient Egypt and Greece represented with its tail in its mouth continually devouring itself and being reborn from itself. A Gnostic and alchemical symbol, Ouroboros expresses the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation.
In the 19th century, a vision of Ouroboros gave the German chemist Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz the idea of linked carbon atoms forming the benzene ring. ”

“来自OED2(Oxford English Dictionary II):
The symbol, usu. in the form of a circle, of a snake (or dragon) eating its tail.
1940 H. G. Baynes Mythol. of Soul vi. 221 Thus the uroborus symbol represents our psychic continuity with the immemorial past. Ibid., Geber, or Jabir, the most famous of the Arabian alchemists, who lived in Kufa about a.d. 776, used the uroborus to represent a closed system or magic ring, denoting the idea of an eternal process. 1953 R. F. C. Hull tr. Jung's Psychol. & Alchemy in Coll. Wks. XII. iii. v. 357 The alchemical parallel+is the double nature of Mercurius, which shows itself most clearly in the Uroboros, the dragon that devours, fertilizes, begets, and slays itself and brings itself to life again. 1957 N. Frye Anat. Criticism 157 Alchemical symbolism takes the ouroborus and the hermaphrodite+in this redemptive context. 1975 Hughes & Brecht Vicious Circles & Infinity Fig. 11 The ouroboros, the snake with his tail in his mouth, is the prototype of the vicious circle.+ The ‘Endless Snake’ depicts an ouroboros who has become one with himself. It has fallen into the mathematical sign for infinity.”


