星期二, 二月 13, 2007


another TV show from Chris Carter After the X-FILE

The Uroboros is the TV show's logo at the begining.

Alex Ventoux: God doesn't move us by telling us the facts. He moves us by pains and contradictions. He's given me a lack of understanding: not answers, but questions. An invitation to marvel.

* The Bob talk about the ability of Frank Black.
Bob Bletcher: What do you see?
Frank Black: I see what the killer sees.
Bob Bletcher: What, like a psychic?
Frank Black: No. I put myself in his head. I become the thing we fear the most.
Bob Bletcher: How?
Frank Black: I become capability. I become the horror. What we know we can become only in our heart of darkness. It's my gift. It's my curse.

* We can get what's the goal of The Millennium Group from this conversation.
Bob Bletcher: This Millennium Group - They really believe all that stuff - Nostradamus and Revelations, the destruction of the world?
Frank Black: They believe we can't just sit back and hope for a happy ending.
